Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Good Day

I know I haven't written in a while... (Why is that how I always start my posts...) but there hasn't been too much to report on. We've been having classes and tea, and tea and classes.

Last weekend we stayed in the Crouch End area, until we went to the aquarium on Sunday. It was a lovely day for it, well lovely in the grey/foggy/silvery/misty way that only London can have. The aquarium was really fun, a good 90 minutes and we saw lots of interesting animals, including penguins.

Last week we had more classes and sadly I got fairly sick starting on Wednesday. On Thursday I made it through classes, and actually we went on a tour of the BBC for my Media in Britain class and that was very interesting. If I hadn't been focusing on staying upright and not dying, it might have been even more interesting ;) On Friday I mostly didn't do anything, just tried to get better. Yesterday I was feeling better so I went out to get tea and cakes with some friends. After that we walked around a large park, then we went to the Highgate Cemetery. A cemetery might not seem like the most interesting place, but it was actually rather beautiful. It's set in quiet bit of town with lots of trees and paths and such. It also has the graves of some famous people such as Karl Marx, George Elliot, and Douglas Adams. Douglas Adams' grave was interesting to me because I'm a big fan of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  For all you Hitchhikers fans, in front of Adams' grave was a pot full of ballpoint pens. I added one of mine to it. After this I went out to dinner with Katie, Rachael, and Katie's family who are in London this week. We went to a favorite tapas restaurant and had a lovely time.

Today was a beautiful day! 70 degrees and perfectly sunny. I know, you lot must be terribly jealous. It was such a beautiful day that I decided I must take a walk in it. So about 1, Tali and I took a walk to the nearby Alexandra Palace. It's about 30 minutes from where I live and totally worth the walk. The view from the palace (Which has since been converted to a recreational center) is simply marvelous. It shows the whole cityscape, and is surrounded by acres of green, green grass. Tali and I got some lemonade and sat in the wonderful sunshine and slight breeze. Back now from the walk, sitting in my room with the window open.

It's been a good day.

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